Thursday, July 26, 2007

Hana Yori Dango 2---Boys Over Flowers 2

After watching on YOUTUBE (before it was taken off) an excellent English dub of the real life version of the famous "Boys over Flowers" of Hana Yori Dango 花より男子was interesting. Making live action over the manga, there is always some finessing and skipping around the stories to have some cohesion and edits. It was weird to see the singer turned actor as Domiyo who left Makino behind. The drama ended with them parting and Makino declaring her love for Domiyo.

Episode number 1, starts with Makino stuck in NYC and getting robbed and almost hurt until someone saves her... but before the person is unveiled you see her life during the one year they are apart leading to this disastrous trip to NYC. As with any of the live action versions of the manga, they have slightly changed the storylines, added some story arcs etc and changed around the order. I think Inoue Mao does a great job as Makino Tsukushi and Matsumoto Jun as Doumyouji Tsukasa complements her very well.

It was interesting how they had to have a love square between some main characters and the side stories with Souijiro and Yuuki. I feel bad that Akira does not have much of a side story. With any love square mess, you have lots of missed opportunities, communication and obstacles that makes the "two" fated to be together to jump through many hoops.

I had fun watching this drama, a much needed escape with all that has been happening of late with me.


Drama Details


Inoue Mao 井上真央 as Makino Tsukushi 牧野 つくし (16)
Matsumoto Jun 松本潤 as Doumyouji Tsukasa 道明寺 司 (17)
Oguri Shun 小栗旬旬 as Hanazawa Rui 花沢 類 (17)
Matsuda Shota 松田 翔太田 as Nishikado Soujiroh 西門 総二郎 (17)
Abe Tsuyoshi 阿部力 as Mimakasa Akira 美作 あきら (17)
Matsushima Nanako 松嶋菜々子 as Doumyouji Tsubaki 道明寺 椿
Kaga Mariko 加賀まりこ as Doumyouji Mariko 加賀 まりこ

Episode Titles
Ep 01: あれから1年…今夜遂に復活!! 今度の舞台はニューヨーク!! 大波乱の恋と友情の新展開つーかハッピーエンドじゃなかったの!?
Ep 02: 最強のライバル / The strongest rival
Ep 03: ばいばいバカ男 / Bye bye, stupid guy
Ep 04: 命がけの修羅場 / Perilous Battle
Ep 05: おまえが好きだ / We like you
Ep 06: 告白は大波乱!! / Confession turns Chaotic!!
Ep 07: 一期一会の初恋 / Once-in-a-lifetime First Love
Ep 08: 四角関係に決着 / The Love Square is Settled
Ep 09: 切ない雨の別れ / Painful Goodbye in the Rain
Ep 10: 消えた思い出 / Lost Memories
Ep 11: 史上最高のプロポーズ / The World's Best Proposal Ever

A good blog with pics and some episode summaries ***SPOILERS written in each entry warning:

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